
  • Selected as GYSS Scholar 2021 to attend the prestigious Global Young Scientists Summit held between 12-15 January 2021. Around 500 young scientists (under 35) from 85 universities and 30 countries were selected through a competitive process to attend the summit. The summit was attended by several Nobel Prize, Turing Award, Fields Medal and Millenium Technology Prize recipients.
GYSS 2021

In small group discussions with Prof. Alessio Figalli (Fields Medal) on theory of optimal transport and its application to machine learning and engineering design.

  • Selected for IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics TMECH Junior Reviewer Program (TJRP) in 2021.
  • Awarded NUS Research Scholarship for the period January 2014- January 2018.
  • Awarded Dean’s Merit Scholarship (awarded to top 10% of the class) for the period May 2008- May 2011.